高徹創成策略有限公司 作為管理顧問公司,以 高徹会社 為公司品牌,協同地方組織及地方企業,共同推動地方活化。

地方活化・REGIONAL EMPOWERMENT 指的是將地方視為一個有機體,透過市場機制讓地方本身成為一個永續產品。這不是單一個人、企業或政府的任務,而是大家共同的事!

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企業理念・Philosophy of A-B

Goldchet is a profession team to plan an exclusive localized style for each local site. In addition, we collaborate with local organizations and firms to archive regional advantage, that is, competitive advantage of a place. That transforms a place into an organic entity which generates social, cultural, and economic value, attracting investments and accumulating local capital.

Goldchet deeply explore different kinds of local cultures to discover localized styles. Localized style, as a kind of social capital accumulated in local sites, could generate regional brands through local goods and services. The value of a regional brand lies in conveying the beauty of locality, which provides customers unique experience and satisfaction.

服務項目・Services of C-D-E


